How the Skincare Programme Works

Once you have decided that you want to improve your skin for the rest of your life, by using this comprehensive programme, we will send you a questionnaire. When you have returned the questionnaire, we can use this to establish your current products, routine, lifestyle, and skin requirements. This is also the point where you will take your first photograph . (When you do this please make sure you take the pictures exactly the way we request on our “Photograph Guidance Summary” so that we can all see exact comparisons.)

After reviewing your response to the questionnaire, the first meeting will take place. This can be one to one or over facetime, and usually takes around 30 minutes. This is where the first phase of improving both your skincare, your skin’s barrier function and your own knowledge and understanding of the science behind skincare and its purposes and ingredients. Following this meeting we will send you an outline of the first phase of your ‘Personalised Skincare Programme’.

At around the four week point you will take your second photo, (send a copy to us and keep a copy for yourself). We will now begin to build up your skincare routine and product range given that your skin has completed a full cycle in its basic skincare format. Your full ‘Personalised Skincare Programme’ will include new product recommendations along with safe ways of introducing them so that your skin does not get overwhelmed. Some of these products will be much more “active” than you have been using or have ever used. It is the “actives” that can make the most significant differences and improvements over time. This will be the routine that you will be working on for the coming weeks, gradually introducing the suggested products at the times outlined.

You can contact us at any point with questions and queries. We will make contact again around two weeks after you receive your full ‘Personalised Skincare Plan’ just to check in and discuss the key ingredients to which your skin is being introduced. This ensures that you not only have a great plan but you also have a good understanding of why and how it is working. In addition you will have increased awareness of the ingredients that are supporting your skin and gain an ability to transfer this understanding when looking at ingredient list in other skincare products.

Your final meeting will take place at around week 12 to 14 when you have had a full cycle of your ‘Personalised Skincare Programme’ and have also submitted your next photograph. This meeting is to ensure that you are completely satisfied, that your skin is improving and is healthier than before. From this point onwards you will be added to the “members community” where you will receive regular updates on products, ingredients, offers, and discounts relating to skincare and will always be able to ask questions and get advice.

We do recommend a twice-yearly review (ideally one in summer and one in winter as they bring different challenges and changes to your skin). Since the science behind skincare is constantly growing and improving, it is a marketplace that moves very quickly and products you may have introduced my have been reformulated or improved upon. Your skin will also continue to change and develop over time.

We keep on track of the skincare world and its advancements so that you don’t have to.